Nous venons de tourner un nouveau SECHebdo en live sur Youtube. Comme d’habitude, si vous avez raté l’enregistrement, vous pouvez le retrouver sur notre chaîne Youtube (vidéo ci-dessus) ou bien au format podcast audio :
Au sommaire de cette émission :
- (à faire)
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Notre discord :
A bientôt pour d’autres émissions/podcasts!
Liste des sources :
- Patch Tuesday
- Client Behavior with Update Deadlines | Microsoft Docs
- Windows 10 to Automatically Remove Updates That Cause Problems
- Common Control Versions - Windows applications | Microsoft Docs
- Client Behavior with Update Deadlines | Microsoft Docs
- Understanding and using the Pending Restart Feature in SCCM Current Branch – MEA SI Blog
- Venezuela et sa coupure de courant
- Venezuela power outage: Maduro says power recovery will come “little by little” - CNN
- Piratage de Citrix
- Citrix breach once again highlights password weaknesses
- Citrix investigating unauthorized access to internal network
- Resecurity | Supply Chain – The Major Target of Cyberespionage Groups
- PCI DSS 4.0 songe à revoir sa politique de mots de passe
- PCI DSS: Looking Ahead to Version 4.0
- Chaos Monkey Guide for Engineers
- Vuln Chrome
- Serious Chrome zero-day – Google says update “right this minute” – Naked Security
- New Google Chrome Zero-Day Vulnerability Found Actively Exploited in the Wild
- Google Online Security Blog: Disclosing vulnerabilities to protect users across platforms
- Google Online Security Blog: Disclosing vulnerabilities to protect users across platforms
- Google Chrome to Block Drive-By-Downloads from Ad Frames
- Avis livre : Find out anything from anyone, anytime
- Find Out Anything From Anyone, Anytime by James Pyle
- Kobo
- Nouvelle exemple de phishing mobile à ajouter à vos sensibilisations!
- BEWARE – New ‘Creative’ Phishing Attack You Really Should Pay Attention To
- Nouveau projet de loi américain sur la sécurisation des objets IoT
- Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Cybersecurity of Internet-of-Things Devices Introduced in Senate & House - Press Releases - Mark R. Warner
- Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2019 | Computer Security | Sécurité en ligne et confidentialité